Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it. We don’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law or protect our rights. We don’t store personal information on our servers unless required for the ongoing operation of one of our services. Like most website operators, Bright Ice Initiative collects non-personally identifying information that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Our purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how our visitors use this website.
Personally-Identifying Information
Certain visitors to Bright Ice Initiative’s website choose to interact with us in ways that require us to gather personally identifying information. For example, we ask visitors who sign up for our Mailing List at to provide an email address.
Email Communication
Bright Ice Initiative will send a newsletter and/or company updates that we believe will be useful to individuals that are interested in our work. Users may remove themselves from this mailing list by following the link provided at the bottom of every email. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law.
If you have questions or comments on our privacy policy, please Contact Us immediately.